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Board of Trustees-Addressing


Meetings of the Board of Trustees are open to the public as provided by law. The Board regards the opportunity for expression of public views on issues before the Board as an important part of its deliberations.

To accommodate such expression, the Board reserves a portion of its regular meeting for persons who wish to address the Board. Those wishing to address the Board must submit a Public Speaker Request Form to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees in advance of the posted deadline for doing so.

Individual presentations on topics that are germane to the action items on the Board’s agenda are limited to three (3) minutes and the total time for presentations on any such item or topic is limited to fifteen (15) minutes.

Individual presentations on topics that are not germane to the action items on the Board’s agenda are limited to three (3) minutes and the total time for presentations on any such topic is limited to twelve (12) minutes.

The Office of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees is responsible for the implementation of this policy and may develop guidelines consistent with this policy. Requests for interpretations of the policy shall be referred to that Office.


Enacted: 2/25/77

Amended: 1/26/79, 7/28/83, 2/3/84, 2/5/97, 12/11/09