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Board of Trustees Committee Structure


Committee on Budget and Finance

The committee responsibilities include oversight of the operating and capital budgets of the university, review of policies which have significant financial impact, review of contracts for construction, assurance of debt, management of real estate owned or gifted to the university and any such other matters which the Board finds may have financial or budget implications.

The committee shall review the annual financial statements and other financial data such as credit agency ratings.

The committee shall also have the role and responsibilities assigned to it under the Board’s Investment Policy 01-07-01.

The committee shall also assist the Board in determining compensation for the President and advise the President regarding appropriate compensation for senior executives. The committee shall coordinate the annual evaluation of the President. The President or the Executive Vice President for Administrative Services may consult with the committee on any matters concerning the administration of the university, including such areas as information technology services, human resources and purchasing and procurement.

Investment Advisory Subcommittee

The Investment Advisory Subcommittee is a subcommittee of the Committee on Budget and Finance. Membership of the committee will be determined as set forth in the Stipulations for Membership of the Investment Advisory Subcommittee contained in the Stipulations and Supporting Documents section of the Board’s Policy Manual. The role and responsibilities of the Investment Advisory Subcommittee are set forth in the Board’s Investment Policy 01-07-01.

Committee on Audit, Risk and Compliance

The committee responsibilities include reviewing the financial reporting processes and audits of financial reporting processes and audits of financial statements, the internal audit program and the review and selection of the independent auditors.

The committee shall provide oversight for university risk management in order to drive accountability across the entire community. The committee may identify threats and risks that need to be subjected to greater scrutiny by appropriate university leaders. The committee will also review reports from the Chief Compliance Officer (COO) and senior leadership regarding priorities, operation and effectiveness of the university’s compliance efforts. The chief compliance officer will report on the effectiveness and compliance by the university representatives and employees with both the Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics.

The committee will review any violations and failures to comply with federal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations, as well as institutional policies.

The committee will oversee compliance with the Board of Trustees Conflict of Interest policy.

Committee on Academic Affairs

The responsibilities of the committee are to assist in attaining the goal stated in the university bylaws that requires the “...University to offer undergraduate and graduate education of the highest possible quality...” And “to encourage moving our research and experimentation” and to “diffuse...the knowledge and information.” Unless designated to another committee, the committee shall have responsibility for the Board of Trustees bylaws, Board of Trustees policy manual, Board-approved documents such as Bylaws for Academic Governance, the Ordinances and any proposed changes to Board-approved policies and such other matters as shall be determined by the Board. In the event that policy changes are proposed by other standing committees of the board, the Committee on Academic Affairs shall review such proposals for consistency and compatibility with existing policies.

The committee will review recommendations for hiring, promotion and tenure where appropriate as in the case of the Provost or College Deans and recommend such appointments for Board approval.

The committee will attend to issues related to institutional and programmatic accreditation. They may review the policies and operations of critical academic units like FRIB, Outreach and Engagement, International Studies, Admissions, Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives, Honors College, Libraries and Research and Graduate Studies.

The committee will also oversee university policy with regard to tech transfer, intellectual property, copyright and commercialization.

The committee shall serve as Board of Trustee liaison to the Faculty Steering Committee and other bodies and as the Faculty Senate and University Council and be the Board of Trustee’s lead on the public service role of the university as it relates to off-campus services and education.

Committee on Student Life and Culture

The committee responsibilities include oversight of all of the out-of-classroom activities and what is often called the “student experience,” and student health and wellness.

The committee will work with Residential and Hospitality Services and with Student Affairs and Services to assure that life in a residence hall, in a Greek house or in off-campus housing and the services that a student needs on campus, are consistent with the expectations of our world-class university. Included in the responsibility is health: physical, emotional, and mental of our community of learners; safety: on campus of off campus. The committee is concerned with all General Student Rights and Responsibilities (SRR) including those for graduate and medical students (GSRR and MSRR). The committee reviews policies and issues related to student conduct and the Office of Institutional Equity. They are liaison to ASMSU, COGS and RHS.

The committee will also be the liaison to the Department of Athletics for our student athletes, as well as the intramural programs that reach thousands of students. The Ombudsperson and Dean of Students will report regularly to this committee so there is Board awareness of student concerns and issues. The committee also addresses issues around the relationship of the University to surrounding communities.


Enacted: 7/25/86

Amended: 10/20/06, 6/22/18, 12/14/18