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BOT 303: Standards for Research Policy


POLICY NAME: Standards for Research

Effective Date: March 20, 1970
Last Review Date: October 25, 2024
Next Scheduled Review Date: October 2029



Standards for sponsored research must be respectful of the purposes, needs, and integrity of the University and the rightful claim of the public interest; thus, it is incumbent upon the academic community to be mindful of the rights granted to scholars that protect their academic freedoms, and the various policies that govern research at the University.


Office of Research and Innovation.


Standards for Research apply to all scholars at Michigan State University, including faculty, academic and support staff, graduate and professional students, undergraduate students and administrators.


Export Controls: A set of U.S. laws and regulations that govern the transfer of controlled items, materials, software, data and services to destinations outside of the U.S., and at times, to non-U.S. persons within the United States. 

Trade Sanctions: Financial and trade restrictions imposed against individuals, entities, and jurisdictions that violate U.S. foreign policy or national security goals.

Research Security: Requirements as outlined by congressional mandates, executive orders, federal funding agencies, and other applicable regulations to safeguard the research enterprise against the misappropriation of research and development to the detriment of national or economic security, related violations of research integrity, and foreign government interference. Institutional research security programs should include elements of cyber security, foreign travel security, insider threat awareness and identification, and, as appropriate, export control training.


The MSU Faculty Handbook (Handbook), Graduate Student Rights and Responsibilities (GSSR) and references therein outline the rights and obligations of faculty, graduate students and other researchers as they relate to the pursuit of their research and creative activity. The policy affirms the fundamental right of academic freedom for researchers while emphasizing the need to balance this right with their associated responsibilities. The University looks to the members of the research community to exercise their rights responsibly and to meet their obligations fully as professionals.

Research projects must comply with federal, state, and local regulations, and conform to all appropriate university policies established at MSU that govern the conduct of research. Oversight of these research policies and practices are the responsibility of the Office of Research and Innovation and include: Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research; Conflict Disclosure and Management; Human Research Protection; Stem Cell Research; Animal Research and Animal Care; Environmental Health & Safety; Research Security; Export Control and Trade Sanctions; Sponsored Projects, Fee-for-Service, and Gifts (per Manual of Business Procedures);  and Patent and Copyright.

Research compliance standards will be maintained and updated as necessary by the Office of Research and Innovation to remain consistent with changes in regulations. Such procedures are available on the Office of Research and Innovation website ( All scholarship should also be consistent with the policies and plans of the department(s), college(s) centers, institutes and facilities in which the research will be conducted.

The University should retain for its scholars, including students, the right of first publication. The University should also retain for its scholars, including students, the right to utilize for research and education purposes any intellectual property developed under a Sponsored Research Project.  Additionally, any use of University background intellectual property in a Sponsored Research Project should not impede the University’s right to commercialize such background intellectual property.  The imposition of restriction on publication of research results is incompatible with the basic concept of an educational institution. Exigencies at times may make exceptions to this policy on publication necessary, specific examples including projects in the interest of national defense that may be appropriately managed within the MSU University Research Organization (URO) or the provision of non-research services to a sponsor that are properly characterized as Fee-for-Service as outlined in MOBP Section 315 (MOBP-315).

Prior to accepting grants or contracts which do not cover all direct and indirect costs, the institution may seek alternative sources of financial support with full recognition that it is making a contribution to the cost of the work. The right to make this decision is delegated to the Office of Research and Innovation under the IDC waiver (Waiver) and matching funds commitment processes (Cost Share).



Not applicable



Academic Freedom

Conflicts of Interest, Faculty/Academic Staff

Faculty Rights and Responsibilities

Students Rights and Responsibilities

Outside Work for Pay

Patent and Copyright

MSU Faculty Handbook (Handbook)



Enacted: March 20, 1970

Amended: December 3, 1982;

                   October 25, 2024

Retired Policy No. 03-05-01