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BOT 613: University Facilities-Use for Political Activities

Michigan State University recognizes the basic role of political parties and partisan elections in the American system of governance and, therefore, acknowledges the University's responsibility to facilitate the free exchange of ideas in a political as well as an academic sense. The eligibility of a great majority of its students to vote further obligates the University to assist students, as well as faculty and staff, to exercise their elective franchise in as enlightened a manner as possible.

Nevertheless, as a public institution serving and supported by all the people of Michigan, the University must take extreme care to avoid political favoritism and improper partisan activity. In order to meet these dual public responsibilities, the University's policy on the use of facilities is:

  1. Subject to other provisions of this policy, University facilities may be used for the following purposes:
    1. Educational conferences sponsored by a political party.
    2. County, state or national committee meetings of a political party.
    3. Meetings or rallies with or on behalf of candidates for political office.
    4. Voter registration and/or polling places.
  2. Activities referred to in Section 1 must be sponsored in accordance with the following criteria:
    1. Political and public organizations may have access to facilities normally available to the public (e.g., Kellogg Center, the Union, etc.) for purposes specified under Section 1.a. or 1.b. above, subject to the usual rules governing the use of such facilities.
    2. Registered campus organizations may request use of University facilities only for purposes specified under Section 1.c. above. The "All-University Policy for Use of University Facilities and Services by Students and for Revenue Producing Projects for Students" shall apply to such requests.
    3. Contingent on agreements between the University, the City of East Lansing, and the East Lansing Public Schools, facilities may be utilized for voter registration or as legal polling places. In the latter instance, state or local election laws restricting campaign activity in these locations shall apply.
  3. Established rates, fees, maintenance, etc., provided for under University policy, shall be charged for the use of all facilities.
  4. Residence halls are specifically excluded from this policy but remain subject to all established rules governing their use.
  5. Established University rules and regulations to which this policy is subject include, but are not necessarily limited to:
    1. All-University Policy for Use of University Facilities and for Revenue Producing Projects for Students.*
    2. Ordinance 13 (Buildings).
    3. Ordinance 16 (Disorderly Assemblages or Conduct).
    4. Outside Speakers Policy. (See: Speakers on Campus 06-09-01)
    5. Student Organization Registration Policy.
  6. All requests for the use of University facilities under this policy shall be submitted to the Office of the President or the designee of the President for approval.

Enacted: 4/22/72

Amended: 2/3/84

Retired Policy No. 02-06-04