Article 5: Liaisons to the Board
The following persons shall serve as faculty liaisons to the board:
- The chair of the Steering Committee.
- The vice chair of the Steering Committee.
- One faculty representative from the University Committee on Faculty Affairs, selected by the Steering Committee.
- Two additional representatives selected by the chair and vice chair of the Steering Committee from the faculty who are members of the Steering Committee or members of an ad hoc special committee constituted by the Steering Committee. These individuals should be chosen to provide additional or special insights or counsel to the board on topics of present interest to the faculty or topics currently being addressed by the board. They may, but need not necessarily, change from meeting to meeting.
The following persons shall serve as student liaisons to the board:
- The president (or designee) from the Associated Students of Michigan State University.
- The president (or designee) from the Residence Halls Association.
- The president (or designee) from the Council of Graduate Students.
- An at-large appointee selected by the vice president for student life and engagement with the advice of the University Committee on Student Life and Engagement.
Faculty and student liaisons will report to the board at its regular meetings.