18.01 Possession and use prohibited;
18.02 Firearms Exceptions
18.03 Use of chemicals prohibited
18.04 Relationship to University policy
.01 The possession or use of any firearm or weapon is prohibited upon property governed by the Board.
.02 The prohibition in Section 18.01 does not apply:
.021 to police officers and other legally established law enforcement officers;
.022 at the discretion of Vice President and Chief Safety Officer or Police Chief, to individuals authorized by their employer and licensed to possess and use such device with engaged in performing work requiring such device;
.023 to individuals fully qualified to carry a concealed weapon under Michigan law, while such individuals is operating a motor vehicle on a road owned by the Board and such individual remains in the vehicle;
.024 to those areas specifically set aside and supervised at range facilities;
.025 to unloaded firearms used as part of a regular educational or ceremonial process;
.026 to those areas where firearms are permitted under Ordinance 37.02.
.03 No person shall possess any chemical, biological, radioactive, or other dangerous substance or compound, with the intent of using the same to injure, molest, or coerce another, anywhere upon property governed by the Board.
.04 This ordinance does not alter the terms of any University policies that regulate the use or possession of firearms.
Enacted: September 15, 1964
Amended: December 11, 1987
Amended: December 10, 1994
Amended: April 14, 1995
Amended: April 12, 2002
Amended: June 19, 2009
Amended: September 8, 2023