25.00 Property: Lost, Found, Stolen, or Abandoned
25.01 Disposition of lost, stolen, or abandoned property
25.02 Disposition on proof of ownership
25.03 Disposition by public auction
25.04 * Mobile home, trailer, and boat storage prohibited
.01 It shall be the duty of the Vice President and Chief Safety Officer of Michigan State University to maintain an accounting of all monies, goods, wares and merchandise deposited in his or her office as lost or abandoned property which has been found within the campus of said institution. On the first Monday in the months of January, April, July, and October in each year, or more often as necessary, said Vice President and Chief Safety Officer shall cause a notice of all such property as shall remain unclaimed to be posted in four conspicuous places on said campus for three successive weeks to all persons interested or claiming such property: provided, however, that if any of such goods, wares, merchandise or chattels shall be of a perishable nature or expensive to keep, then it shall be lawful for said Vice President and Chief Safety Officer to sell the same at public auction at such time and after such notice as the Director and the Board deem proper.
.02 It shall be the duty of the Vice President and Chief Safety Officer, on receiving satisfactory proof of ownership, to deliver such property to the owner on payment of all necessary and reasonable expenses which may have been incurred in the recovering, preservation, or sustenance of such property and the expense of advertising the same unless the Office of the General Counsel or the Prosecuting Attorney of the County of Ingham shall otherwise direct.
.03 It shall be the duty of the Vice President and Chief Safety Officer to cause all property unclaimed after the expiration of the notice specified in Section 1, money excepted, to be sold at public auction to the highest bidder or through normal sales procedures established by the University salvage yard, unless the Prosecuting Attorney of the County of Ingham shall direct that it shall remain unsold for a longer period to be used as evidence in the administration of justice; and the proceeds shall be paid to the University's Business Office together with all money, if any, which shall remain in the Vice President and Chief Safety Officer hands, first deducting actual charges of said sale.
.04 * No person shall store mobile homes, trailers, boats, or similar property in other than areas designated and posted for such purposes.
Enacted: September 15, 1964
Amended: September 01, 1986
Amended: December 10, 1994
* Denotes Civil Infraction